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Sink those pretty teeth into something

As faerie obsessed fan of the "The Cruel Prince" series, I was beyond excited to dive into "The Stolen Heir." And let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Back to Faerie we go!

The Stolen Heir by Holly Black

One of the things I loved most about this book was being back in the realm of Faerie. Black's world-building is always top-notch, and the way she brings the faerie court to life is truly magical. I felt like I was right there with the characters, experiencing all the glamour and danger of the faerie world.

It was so exciting that the happenings of "The Stolen Heir" take place eight years after the events of "The Cruel Prince." This time jump allowed the characters to grow and evolve in new and interesting ways. I loved seeing how the experiences of the past eight years had shaped them, and it added a whole new layer of depth to the story.

The most intriguing plot is the one between Oak and Suren. I love how this, definitely couple, has their special remarks. Teeth and hooves. The strangeness makes them even more lovable, and if that does not do the trick their beautiful caring characters do. Their relationship develops from childhood friends to something close to enemies, to friends again and ultimately to something dark and twisted. Their relationship is complex and multi-faceted, and it kept me begging for more. I found myself both rooting for them and also feeling uneasy about where it was heading. It was addicting to read, and I couldn't help but keep turning the page to see what would happen next.

The way Holly Black crafted their relationship was "truly masterful".

"The Stolen Heir" introduced new characters of which two really got my heart, Hyacinth and Tiernan, who brought a fresh perspective to the world of Faerie. Hyacinth, a punished soldier from Madoc's side of the army, takes center stage in this book and his journey and understanding of the war added depth to the story. Tiernan, a new character, also adds a new dimension to the story and his relationship with Hyacinth was interesting to see evolve throughout the story. Their stories and understanding of the war added a lot to the story making it more interesting to follow.

As the story progressed, I found myself believing in happy endings once again. But as we all know dear old Queen of Faerie, Holly is a master at crafting complex and nuanced characters, and the way she weaves their stories together is truly breathtaking. But just when I thought I knew where the story was headed, she threw in a twist AT THE LAST THREE PAGES that left me reeling. The author's ability to keep me guessing until the very end is truly impressive.

And now, I find myself both excited and scared for the next book in the series. Black has magic fingers for leaving her readers on the edge of their seats, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next. I highly recommend "The Stolen Heir" to anyone who loves fantasy, faerie stories and a good twist.

Kisses and hugs!



The Stolen Heir - Holly Black



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